It's been quite a few months since this post, and I have since finished the short I was writing about here. It was actually completed in May, but I just got around to updating everything here. So now you can watch the completed short below!
(Original Post)
Most of you probably didn't notice I was gone but, I'm back. I migrated away from this blog a while ago in favor of a more pleasant looking tumblr, but that was very quickly taken over by stupid pictures and memes. It was bad. Anyways, blogger seems to be the more professional way of posting things so I'm going to start posting here often with stuff I'm working on.
My current project is a short done in Flash for class. I'm doing a story about the Sun, who after millions of years, stuck in our solar system and feeling under appreciated, wants to be something more. One day it decides not to come up, which plunges the Earth into an icy demise.
I'm currently working on the layout for this, so I thought I would post a couple things. Here's two posters I did for the Sun's "room" where it goes after it sets.
And here's some backgrounds I'm working on